Atemberaubend: ein Blog über Philosophie.
Prüfziffer der ISIN in PHP
Die ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) ist eine Kennung für Wertpapiere. Wie viele andere solcher Kennungen, beinhaltet auch die ISIN ein Prüfziffer-Verfahren. Wie das in Theorie funktioniert, hat jemand richtig gut bei Wikipedia beschrieben. Hiermit zeige ich eine kleine Klasse, wie man das in PHP machen kann (use with care and at own risk!). Ursprünglich…
50 Shades of Grey
[:de] Naja, jeder redet doch darüber, oder? 🙂 [php] header("Content-type: image/png"); $head = "50 Shades of Grey"; $im = imagecreate(500,280); $background_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); $orange = imagecolorallocate($im, 220, 210, 60); $px = (imagesx($im) – 7.5 * strlen($head)) / 2; imagestring($im, 3, $px, 9, $head, $orange); $colc = 5; for ($i = 0; $i…
Bash + Ping: [:en]Output with Timestamp[:de]Ausgabe mit einem Zeitstempel
[:en]One of the many things bash is so great to work with, is the flexibility to combinate the hardened tools at hand to create your desired output. For example, I wanted to ping a host frequently (lets say every two minutes), and just add a readable timestamp to the output. Usually I’d use a network…
[:en]Profiling with MySQL[:de]Profiling mit MySQL
[:en]Whenever you encounter a query slower than you expected, and you’re sure you’ve done everything in your power to ensure your tables are properly optimized and indexed, you might want to profile it. MySQL has an inbuild profiler, which allows you to see very detailed for what part of the query how much time has…
[:en]Firebug: logging features[:de]Firebug: Logfunktionen
[:en]Many developers think of Firebug as the mother of all web tools. There’s a reason for it, because Firebug contains sophisticated tools to do nearly everything you need being a web developer, starting with little css experiments, debugging complex jscript-applications, profiling of web pages and many more. Not commonly known is how to create your…
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